Executive Director of the Dodge City Housing Authority

Position Description - Executive Director of the Dodge City Housing Authority General Description:

Administrative officer of the PHA solely responsible and accountable for the efficient and economical operation of the Public Housing Program and the Housing Choice Voucher Program in accordance with the terms and conditions of the HUD Annual contributions contracts: He/she shall establish methods of administration to implement the duties and responsibilities of PHA employees, PHA and HUD policies.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

.1 Public relations and Public Information Program to assure public knowledge of the Housing Authority and its' operation.

Supervision of Staff and Staff training.

Prepare and have on file, job descriptions for each salaried position. Make any amendments to job descriptions as needed.


Maintain adequate records for the following: Financial, Personnel, HUD Policy and Housing Board Records.


Assure that necessary administrative policies are adopted and implemented.


Provide for tenant input and participation in Housing Authority Policy formulation.


Assure the development and implementation and periodic review of an Affirmative Action Plan and program is in place.

8. 9.

10. 1. 12. 13. 14.


Assure that proper reports are submitted to HUD and the Board of Commissioners.

Review and sign applications for admission and continued occupancy of 59 units at our North H-i Rise site and 12 homeownership units, and periodic review of applications for admission and continued occupancy of our 68 unit family site (George-N-Courts), 56 unit family site (Comanche Terrace) and 120 units at our South Hi-Rise site.

Review and approve of all purchases by the PHA.

Assure that Grievance Procedures for staff and tenants are known and followed.

Assure that Housing Authority dwellings are properly maintained.

Carry out the directives of the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and City Commission. Authority to hire necessary personnel with the approval of the Board of Commissioners. Authority to promote, discipline and terminate Housing Authority Personnel (with Board approval on serious matters such as termination).

16. Evaluation of each employees' ability to carry out their responsibilities on a day to day basis; with a formal evaluation to be done annually on each employee.

17. Responsibility for coordinating Authority-wide efforts to meet the needs of our low-income population. To include: Follow-up on needed Public Housing repairs, ensuring that maximum effort goes into turning vacated units over as efficiently as possible in order to assist those ni need and to make sure that al employees have this same goal ni mind.

18. Responsibility for coordinating al efforts to ensure that work si being completed ni a satisfactory and timely manner.

19. Acting as liaison between City, County, State and Federal Agencies on all matters concerning the Housing Authority.

20. Reporting al pertinent information to the Board of Commissioners at monthly Board meetings (i.e. status of work ni progress, status of pending grant applications, status of al matters addressed by the Board at previous Board meetings and list of complaints received by the Executive Director or other employees from Community members, employees or tenants).

Resumes can be sent to Debbie Snapp at dsnapp@catholicchartitiesswks.org


Dental Assistant

